About Me

About Me

My name is Angie Shipman and I have been a public school Speech/Language Pathologist for over 20 years. Currently, I serve students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade.  When I introduce myself to new students I always tell them that my name is Mrs. Shipman and then explain to them what we will be doing in "speech class".  Somehow, my name always gets confused and I become Mrs. Speechman to a lot of my kindergarten students.

Working with elementary aged students is great fun.  Students with phonological disorders have always been my favorite.  Unfortunately, many of  these students have delays in acquiring literacy skills.  Luckily, one of my great passions is teaching children to read.  In 2009, I became a Nationally Board Certified Teacher, certifying in the area of....you may have guessed....Literacy.  I use many Orton-Gillingham based strategies in my therapy and plan to share many of those techniques on this blog.

I love my job, but never seem to have enough hours in the day to cover all the bases. Teachers and parents often ask me for help when working with children with speech/language delays. To meet this need, I began offering workshops on various speech/language topics. After countless workshops, it occurred to me that a blog might be a better venue in which to distribute information.  I hope you find something useful here.  If you have any questions please contact me at MrsSpeechman@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie---I had to chime in when I saw that you have Orton Gillingham training. I taught in the public schools for many years. (I stayed home a few yrs to be a mom and did private tx on the side.) I am starting my second year at a small private school that is O-G accredited---apparently we are only one of a handful of school in the country with this accreditation. I knew nothing about O-G until I started at this school. I am learning more and more about it everyday and try to incorporate it into my tx when possible. Would love to hear what you have to say about using O-G with your speech kiddos as you continue to blog. Good luck with your new school year and your daughter's 1st year in college! Rose (www.speechsnacks.com)
