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Monday, August 5, 2013

August SLP Link Up

All Y'all Need asked for SLPs to describe how we are getting ready for school this August. It's the last week of freedom and I'm learning to blog!  So here's my first Link Up....

Buying:  My daughter a new laptop.  She will begin college in two weeks : (
I'm a little bit sad about that.  The first day of school will begin with me heading off to school all by myself this year.  There are many perks to working at the same school your children attend.  This school year will have a very different feel, but I'm sure we will all adjust.  One thing about being a public school SLP....I will probably be too busy to notice!  At least for the first month or so anyway.

Trying:  At the end of last school year, a couple of my teacher friends and I decided to offer a technology workshop for fellow teachers over the summer.  My part included Google Drive, Sites, and Blogger.  The unusual thing about that is that I know very little about technology.  I've never followed a blog, much less had one of my own.  The last month has been a real learning experience for me!

Speeching:  Organizing!  I love to organize!  It's a passion of mine.  Since I am about to begin my 22nd year of teaching I have pretty much organized everything in sight. However, I have spent a large part of this summer cleaning out the old and creating some new materials.  I have less than a week to complete all those projects.  Yikes!


  1. Thanks for linking up! We are similar - I'm starting my 21st year and my son is a senior this year, so I will be where you are next year. I also cleaned out quite a bit. Things change. Good for you for organizing! I still have a lot to complete. Where did summer go?

    All Y'all Need

  2. This blogging business is consuming my life. How have I missed out on all this fun? I wondered what I would do when I no longer had volleyball taking up every free minute. Maybe this is the answer to that question. Senior year! It will pass by quickly. So much to do! Enjoy every minute, but keep blogging. I am really enjoying your site.

    1. Thank you! Yes, senior year, and I realize how much I still need to teach my son.

      All Y'all Need

  3. Glad I found your blog through the SLP link-up! Where is your daughter heading off to school? I'm off to read the rest of your posts!

    Schoolhouse Talk!

  4. Glad you stopped by! I am enjoying your blog! I'm new to this, so it won't take you long to read what I have so far. Leslie will be going to Arkansas State. Very close to home, so YAY!!!
